In contested divorces, discovery may prove incredibly valuable. Discovery compels each side to reveal what evidence and info they have.
How Are Pensions Divided During Divorce?
CALLER: “I was just wondering how a pension works? If one person has a pension, and the other doesn’t, do they get some of that or not until they start receiving it?”
How Is A Military Pension Divided During Divorce?
Military service complicates many relationships. It also complicates the divorce process. One area that often gets twisted is military pensions.
How to Qualify For An Annulment
There are two options to end a marriage. Divorce or annulment. Divorce is by far the more common choice because qualifying for an annulment is not easy.
Does Adultery Impact No-Fault Divorce?
Adultery so often strikes a fatal blow to a marriage, but how big a role does it actually play when it comes time to file for divorce?
Can You File For Bankruptcy During Divorce?
Bankruptcy impacts every facet of your life. Your marriage feels the brunt, and so does the process of ending it. Does bankruptcy change divorce?
Are Divorce Records Public?
The paparazzi probably doesn’t hound you and follow your every move, but that doesn’t mean privacy during divorce is important to you.
7 Steps To Divorce In California [Infographic]
Step 1: File petition. 2: Serve spouse. 3: Respond to summons. 4: Discovery. 5: Temporary orders. 6: Settlement /negotiation. 7: Sign and file final papers.
How Is Jurisdiction Decided in Divorce?
While any number of factors go into pursuing a divorce, there’s much more to deal with when it comes to who has jurisdiction.
How Do You Divorce A Spouse From a Foreign Country?
Ending a marriage is complicated in the best of times, but what happens to the process you have a spouse from a foreign country?
How Is Credit Card Debt Divided During Divorce?
If you file for divorce and share credit card debt with your spouse, in the state of California, you are equally liable for paying it off.
“Can I Reuse A Divorce Decree?”
CALLER: “I married my ex-husband and remarried him after we were divorced. He thinks that our first divorce decree settlement is null and void because I married him twice, and then we got divorced a second time. Is that true? I don’t see what one marriage has to do with another one.”
What To Expect From Divorce Hearings
While the prospect of divorce hearings may be intimidating, it definitely helps to go in with an idea of what to expect out of court.
California Divorce: Division of Assets
There are two ways that assets and debts are divided in the US. Forty-one states use equitable distribution and the rest use community property. California practices community property.
Mediation Vs. Arbitration
Divorce doesn’t necessarily need to take place in court, there are other options, and two popular choices are mediation and arbitration.
What Is In A Divorce Decree?
A “divorce decree” simply refers to the court’s final ruling and judgment order that makes the termination of a marriage official.
Different Types Of Divorce In California
It’s important to know the various types of divorce and what each means. There are differences and similarities. Some apply to multiple circumstances, while others have specific criteria and only fit certain cases. Being aware of the types of divorce can help streamline the process and get you on the road to your new life faster and easier.
Gift or Inheritance? Does That Matter?
CALLER: “I’m married. Say my wife got a ‘gift’ but it’s called an ‘inheritance’ even though her parents are still alive. Is that an actual ‘gift’ or is it really an inheritance?”
What Are The Consequences Of Moving Out During Divorce?
Leaving the marital home without having a strategy in place, can create a significant disadvantage throughout the rest of the divorce process.
How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Child Custody, And Support Payments
In the last few weeks there have already been significant changes that affect the Divorce and Family Law process. With temporary court closures, it means our efforts now focus on alternative methods of dispute resolution such as Mediation, or binding Arbitration.
Pro Se: A Closer Look At California DIY Divorce
Do-it-Yourself divorce has never been more accessible than it is now. But just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should.